Our Story

2013 – The Beginning


Halloween Parade in Hamra

The first of many Halloween events.  What initially began as a humble friend’s trick or Treat tradition, quickly blossomed into a grand spectacle that captivated the entire community.  Hundreds of people, young and old, poured into the streets, donning intricate costumes and immersing themselves in the enchanting Halloween spirit. Halloween is not only a celebration of the spooky season but has also served a noble purpose for the community.   This event was reserved to raise the funds to implement an environmental project, a green space off Hamra Main St.


From Garbage Spot to Green Space

Through the funds raised from the Halloween event, the once garbage-filled area off Hamra Main St ( facing the well known Picadilly theater building), was transformed to a green space.  The Hamra Association of Traders and the Municipality of Beirut rallied together, with Ahla Fawda and  student volunteers supporting in the clean up, removing the mountain of waste and debris, creating a green space,  planting olive trees, and flower beds. This resulted in creating a welcoming small oasis that not only beautified the neighborhood, but also provided a serene environment for residents and a welcoming entry to Hamra Main Street. 

Christmas Event [MISSING?]

We had to bring the Christmas spirit to Hamra. Ahla Fawda set up a Santa corner on Hamra main street with music and Santa’s helpers,  distributing gifts and candies to passersby.  A joyful way to welcome the New year.

2014 – Ahla Fawda's First Official Active Year


"Hamra Got Talent" Festival

After the success of Ahla Fawda Halloween in 2013 and the creation of the green space,  the team was encouraged to register as an NGO and do more events and projects that could benefit the community. Ahla Fawda’s first official festival, “Hamra Got Talent”, was brainstormed and created from Imane Assaf’s dining room.  It was planned with the intention of reviving Hamra as the center of art and culture, bring back tourism,  foot traffic  and  encourage young talents and  local  businesses.  “Hamra Got Talents” was an electrifying festival, an extraordinary magnet for over 45,000 people, offering an immersive experience that delighted all attendees .  It served as a platform for local talents to shine while uniting residents and visitors in a celebration of creativity and entertainment for all ages and tastes. A main feature of the festival was the installation of a garden cafe with huge palm trees  for the day of the festival, to remind people of the importance of greenery and encourage the plantation on the streets.


Access for All: Raising Awareness of Pedestrian Rights

Mme Maha Cheaib, the head of Oxford Center Of Middle East Studies, reached out to  Ahla Fawda to support a campaign for street accessibility to pedestrians ; especially for individuals  with mobility challenges,  such as the blind, mums with baby strollers and the wheelchair bound.  Mrs Cheaib herself is wheelchair bound and struggles everyday to commute to her office. Ramps were inaccessible due to constantly parked cars blocking the street. 

Ahla Fawda embarked on this campaign,  partnering with schools researching all the road rules that apply for pedestrians, then with the approval of the municipality created stencils and encouraged students to paint  them on ramps as part of their community service.  Ahla Fawda also planted road signs to educate the general public on the existing abiding  rules and penalties. Ahla Fawda not only created a more inclusive environment but also inspired the community to embrace diversity and support the needs of every individual.



Halloween Event

The second annual Halloween event in Hamra was eagerly anticipated. All were excitedly waiting to see what the Trick or Treat lead would be wearing.  With an array of captivating street decorations, face painting, arts and crafts activities including pumpkin decorations,  the Halloween event surpassed all previous benchmarks, leaving attendees in awe and ensuring an unforgettable joyful experience for everyone involved.  

2015 – Tribute to Lebanese Heritage and Iconic Stars


Ongoing Food Distribution/Camps

Ahla Fawda went on two humanitarian journeys delivering food and clothes to camps and vulnerable communities in the North of Lebanon and the Bekaa area.


"Toot toot A Beirut" Festival

In May 2015, Ahla Fawda organized ”Toot Toot A Beirut” festival, a vibrant celebration of culture, a special tribute to the iconic figures of the past who have contributed to Lebanon’s cultural fabric and who had left an indelible mark on Lebanon’s rich legacy. This festival brought in over 55,000 visitors . The attendees immersed themselves in diverse activities, indulging in delectable food stalls, and savoring the enchanting melodies of Arabic and international genres of music. The festival also featured areas dedicated to traditional games such as backgammon, chess, and cards, adding an element of nostalgia and friendly competition. “Toot Toot A Beirut” was a remarkable testament to the beauty and diversity of Lebanese culture, celebrating the past while embracing the present.


Sabah Mural, The start of a fulfilling journey of Art and Culture

Remaining in the theme of the year, Ahla Fawda embarked on a captivating project, a mural  with  the  artist Yazan Halawani, paying homage to one of its golden stars and singers, the legend Sabah. The mural stands as a visual representation of the enduring spirit and artistic legacy that defines Lebanese and Arabic culture, leaving a lasting impression on all who encounter it. Special thanks to Youssef Assaf family for encouraging and allowing the execution of this new initiative. Sabah stands proudly as a landmark, with her beautiful smile welcoming visitors to Hamra Main Street.


Halloween Parade from Hamra to Downtown Beirut

The Halloween parade organized by Ahla Fawda, held in downtown Beirut, marked a significant departure from Hamra Street, their usual venue.  This event brought a different vibe and setting, yet maintained the elements of trick or treat joy, spookiness, arts and craft activities, music and a vibrant gathering.  Taking over downtown Beirut,  Ahla Fawda showcased their creative spirit by transforming The L’orient De Jour old deserted  building, to a spooky haunted house.  The event was a resounding success, allowing it to reach a broader audience, offering fresh perspectives, and leaving lasting joyful memories.

2016 – A Year of Activities


"Eat Play Laugh" Festival

The “Eat Play Laugh” Street Fiesta was eagerly anticipated.  The festival brought a vibrant new  transformation to Hamra Street, with over 60,000 visitors, turning the street into a bustling fiesta for all age groups. Attendees indulged in a diverse array of food from various vendors, marveled at mesmerizing  stage and street performances  and circus acts, participated in lively games, and grooved to the beats of the music. The “Eat Play Laugh Street Fiesta” embodies the spirit of Ahla Fawda, uniting the community in a celebration of life, fun, and unforgettable memories.  Most highlighted points of the festival were the recycled car tyres turned into  colorful flower pots and the live street art by more than 12 street artists on different locations of the festival.


"The Single Man" Doodle Mural

Sticking with art as the main theme of the festival,  Ahla Fawda partnered with  Tinol Paint Company and the BBAC as the main sponsors,  to embark on a second large mural on Hamra Main St.  Architect and artist Mr. Jad Khoury was commissioned  to do his DOODLE ART on this building. The art was unveiled on the day of the festival.  The artist describes his work as follows: “Single Man” is represented in my early pieces as an individual in society surrounded by masses, patterns. Through this mural , Jad became aware of his individuality and stepped outside to take a breath and clear his thoughts.”  “The Single man“ mural is a reflection of the traffic of people on Hamra street.


Halloween Parade from Hamra to Downtown Beirut

Ahla Fawda decided to bring back the spine-chilling excitement and create an even more captivating experience for the second Halloween festival held in the same location in the Souk, DownTown Beirut. One of the main attractions at this Halloween was the haunted house; decorated with cobwebs, eerie lighting, and mysterious sounds, promising to send shivers down the spines of those brave enough to enter. Ghosts, witches, and various other fantastical characters wandered through the event, creating a surreal atmosphere. The costume parade became a highlight of the festival, allowing participants to showcase their impressive outfits, compete for prizes, and entertain the crowds with their imaginative appearances.

2017 – Art Culture and Ahla Fawda


"Aley-Z" Festival

Ahla Fawda’s third annual festival, Aley-Z, was held on August 5th and 6th, 2017, in the Ras Aljabal area in the city of Aley. The festival was a two day extravaganza organized in partnership with Rise Gallery in the UK and under the patronage of the municipality of Aley and Governor Wajdi Mourad. Surrounded by more than 100 sculptures by local and international artists, the festival incorporated the signature elements of Ahla Fawda’s events: art, music, sports, learning, and endless fun with an added element of animal farm and a holistic village to bring people close to nature, animals and a healthy way of lifestyle. Attendees were treated to an extraordinary range of activities, including hot air balloon rides, a vintage car show, and performances by international and local entertainers. Aley-Z stood out from previous festivals with its inclusion of international artists collaborating with local artists on painting different murals in the city. This festival was an inspiring celebration of creativity, entertainment, and cultural exchange, leaving attendees with unforgettable memories. Aley “Arrousset El Massayef, the mountains bride” is back.


Halloween Event

The fourth year of Ahla Fawda’s Halloween parade proved to be a remarkable success, as the event expanded from Hamra to downtown Beirut and, this year, took over Bliss Street. Ahla Fawda brought the best of the Halloween spirit to the community.The event was a treat for the senses. People of all ages, from children to adults, flocked to Bliss Street to be part of the event.


Community Service Day at UNRWA School

Ahla Fawda was approached by a class from the International School of Beirut to partner and  support underprivileged students with books and stationery. Ahla Fawda took it an extra step and took the  students to an UNRWA School in Bourj al Barajneh, painted the walls of the classes, the playground and organized a new library with books, stationery and stuffed toys. The IC students really enjoyed the experience and appreciated that their efforts made a difference in the children’s lives. This was kindly supported by Tinol paint that helped us add beautiful colors to the school.

2018 – From Beirut to Croydon, UK


"Rise" Festival (UK)

The Rise festival in the UK was an amazing experience. Croydon was the second part of our art cultural exchange project with Rise Gallery. Five talented Lebanese artists joined 70 International artists from different parts of the world. The Lebanese team were eager to represent their Lebanese heritage as part of their artistic print. With pride, the Lebanese flag and the cedar tree are still present in some of the murals. Even the Arabic calligraphy stands proud on the Home Office building in Croydon. The Art cultural exchange two year program was the promise of a more Lebanese street and contemporary art scene in Lebanon and beyond.


Halloween Event

At the annual Halloween event organized by Ahla Fawda, the emphasis on costumes, music, haunted houses, and candies created an atmosphere of excitement and joy. This year, however, a special theme took center stage – animal humanity. The event celebrated the bond between humans and animals, with some Attendees going above and beyond to dress up their pets in adorable and spooky costumes. Beyond the pet costume parade, various activities were organized to raise awareness about animal welfare, adoption, and responsible pet ownership. Local animal shelters and organizations were invited to participate, providing information and resources to attendees interested in supporting animal causes.

2019 – Revolution, economic crisis and tripled humanitarian efforts


COVID Relief

Ahla Fawda, supported by “Just Help”, a French Lebanese platform, partnered with Mission Joy, Gift of Life and Khebz we Melh, was able to distribute on a weekly basis food parcels to different villages in Mount lebanon, Beirut and supported partners in other regions.

2020 – Tragic Year in Lebanon's History


Hospital COVID-19 Concerts: "You Are Not Alone"

In 2020, amid an economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, the nation faced immense challenges. Feeling the desperation of the people, Ahla Fawda took immediate action and organised concert tours” you are not alone “ to give a feeling of hope and lift the spirit of the people. With Auto Khaled providing a crane stage, musicians Joy Fayad and Oliver Maalouf offering entertainment and Salloum Bou Khalil handling the sound system, concerts were held in hospitals across Lebanon . Lifted outside the hospitals, Joy Fayad and Oliver Maalouf performed for patients, medical teams, and staff, bringing immeasurable joy and comfort. Ahla Fawda’s “You Are Not Alone” concerts showcased the power of music and human connection, offering hope and resilience during challenging times. It was a most memorable and emotional experience. Special thanks to Mission Joy and Khebz we Melibee for being part of this special journey and experience.


Port Blast Relief Mission

On August 4th, Lebanon was devastated by the port explosion that had a profound impact, shattering homes and claiming countless lives. In response, the Ahla Fawda team swiftly mobilized, tirelessly working to clean the streets, renovate over 250 homes, and offer shelter to the displaced. They also provided crucial supplies like clothing, food, and household items to those directly or indirectly affected by this catastrophic event. Ahla Fawda’s efforts not only mitigated the pandemic’s effects but also brought much-needed relief to those profoundly affected by the explosion.


CISCO and Soles4Souls Relief Mission (Bob's Shoes)

In the wake of a devastating port explosion, Ahla Fawda received a remarkable act of generosity from CISCO and Skechers. They donated over 52,000 pairs of unique Soles4Souls Bob’s shoes to help the people of Lebanon. These shoes became an integral part of Ahla Fawda’s relief efforts, bringing comfort and support to all regions. This collaboration exemplifies the power of collective action in times of adversity, showing resilience and compassion.

2021 – Bringing joy during difficult times



Amidst these trying times, Ahla Fawda received a generous grant and amazing support in recognition of Ahla Fawda efforts to support the covid-19 pandemic, and patients. Through CISCO, Ahla Fawda was able to provide medical equipment including Oxygen machines, PPE’s to hospitals, clinics, the Civil Defense and frontliners. Ahla Fawda also helped through Cisco’s funding to repair ambulances, support with hospital fees , train and help in salaries to nurses. CISCO’s support and trust bestowed on Ahla Fawda. Allowed us to reach out and help in all regions of lebanon.


Akkar's Fire Relief Mission

The fires that swept through Akkar, Lebanon, marked yet another tragic event in a series of challenges that the country has been grappling with.. Ahla Fawda, deeply impacted by the suffering and hardships faced by the community, recognized the urgent need for support and relief, swiftly mobilized resources and efforts to provide aid to those affected, standing firmly by the community during this difficult time.


Recognizing the Urgent Need for Medicine

Ahla Fawda became a founding partner in a medical hub based on collaborative efforts to provide medicines & supplies to beneficiaries across Lebanon, regardless of race, political or religious affiliations.


Seal support in food donation for blast victims

The support from SEAL has played a crucial role in our mission to alleviate the suffering  of many especially those affected by the port blast.


Bahr Bala Plastic: EU Environment Purpose Grant

Ahla Fawda had the honor of winning a European Union grant, in partnership with Bahr Bala Plastic, to address plastic pollution on Saint Simon Beach in Lebanon. Working alongside the Lebanese Environment Forum and the Lebanese Eco movement, our project focused on engaging the local community of fishermen through regular beach clean-ups. Ahla fawda also contributed to the repair of the fishermen boats, building a football field for the youth and helped in food supplies to the fishermen community.

2022 – Birth of the EcoHub


"Give to Receive" Initiative

In Late 2021, Ahla Fawda began piloting the “Give and Receive“ initiative , a circular economic approach to support the community and sustain services. In 2022 Ahla fawda began to ask beneficiaries to collect and donate household recyclable items (6 to 8 kgs) in exchange to Ahla Fawda services ( Food, Clothes, Shoes, Toys…). This triple-proposed initiative engages the community in playing an active role in reducing waste and supporting the environment, benefiting the community in all their basic needs and allows sustainability of Ahla Fawda services.


Positive Plastic

Plastic Positive was developed with the community in mind, empowering and educating on ways of waste reduction. Positive Plastic, is to give second life to single-use plastic bags, and plastic waste a second chance. Turning waste into creative and sustainable items, educating and inspiring the community on creative upcycling, and reducing waste. From bags, lamp shades, benches, pouches, to so much more.



Life Beat festival was the come-back. It was good to go back to the streets with our Life Beat festival which was dedicated to the well being of the people; combining art, music and sports therapy. Over 3000 community members benefited from medical support by the partnering labs, Dr’s and clinics. Over 30,000 visitors enjoyed the variety show, the food and the beautiful arts and crafts by local artisans. The initial purpose was to raise awareness to the challenges faced in getting proper medical care and the pain and suffering of Lebanese people.



Ramadan and Easter both happened to be in the same month of the year. Ahla Fawda organized two dinners to honor the Civil Defence frontline men and women and the families of the port explosion. Both events were emotional and humbling experiences. “ Special thanks to Cisco, The Beirut Metropolitan Rotary Club and the volunteers from the international school of Beirut.


Cisco Team France Visits

The integration of the Cisco France team was a highly successful endeavor. During their one-week stay, they provided invaluable support to our mission and initiatives, including packing food, sorting waste, and accompanying us on distribution trips. Their assistance made a tangible impact on our success. They were committed, efficient, and brought a positive attitude to the workplace, boosting morale and greatly valued by our team.


Iris Domaine Fundraiser Concert

The winery, Iris Domaine, in Bhamdoun Village, hosted a sunset concert by international musician and guitarist Ayman Jarjour. The event encouraged by Mr and Mrs Sarmad Salibi, the owners of the winery, supported by the International musician Ayman jarjour aimed to raise funds for Ahla Fawda, and was greatly appreciated. All attendees., enjoyed the stunning views, the wonderful music and delicious wine and food.

2023 –


Becky's Button [INITATIVE]

Becky was a young British embassy employee who loved Lebanon and enjoyed living here. Sadly her life was brutally ended by a local taxi driver. Jane Houng, the mother of the late Becky, started a foundation in her name to support vulnerable women. Ahla Fawda is privileged to be the chosen ambassador for such an honorable mission. Becky’s Button is a small safety device that is being freely offered by partnering NGO’s to women in all regions of Lebanon and of all the diverse communities.


7.8 Relief Syria Mission

Becky was a young British embassy employee who loved Lebanon and enjoyed living here. Sadly her life was brutally ended by a local taxi driver. Jane Houng, the mother of the late Becky, started a foundation in her name to support vulnerable women. Ahla Fawda is privileged to be the chosen ambassador for such an honorable mission. Becky’s Button is a small safety device that is being freely offered by partnering NGO’s to women in all regions of Lebanon and of all the diverse communities.


EcoHub Launched

Becky was a young British embassy employee who loved Lebanon and enjoyed living here. Sadly her life was brutally ended by a local taxi driver. Jane Houng, the mother of the late Becky, started a foundation in her name to support vulnerable women. Ahla Fawda is privileged to be the chosen ambassador for such an honorable mission. Becky’s Button is a small safety device that is being freely offered by partnering NGO’s to women in all regions of Lebanon and of all the diverse communities.


Fabric Positive

Becky was a young British embassy employee who loved Lebanon and enjoyed living here. Sadly her life was brutally ended by a local taxi driver. Jane Houng, the mother of the late Becky, started a foundation in her name to support vulnerable women. Ahla Fawda is privileged to be the chosen ambassador for such an honorable mission. Becky’s Button is a small safety device that is being freely offered by partnering NGO’s to women in all regions of Lebanon and of all the diverse communities.