Fabric Positive


Fabric Positive is a collaborative initiative between Ahla Fawda, students of the Design and Architecture Faculty at LAU and Odd by AJ, the brand of Aya Jallad, a local fashion designer.
The initiative repurposes donated clothes unsuitable for direct donation, by upcycling them into innovative and wearable fashion pieces.


  • Promote circular design & sustainable fashion
  • Empower local artists and foster creativity
  • Raise awareness and inspire change
WhatsApp Image 2023-07-03 at 11.25.51
WhatsApp Image 2023-06-19 at 12.36.04


The initiative in partnership with LAU has allowed more than 10 students to use, transform and experiment with used fabrics as part of their school collections. A fashion show was organized to showcase the upcycled and repurposed pieces.

Since July 2023, Ahla Fawda started a partnership with Odd by AJ, the winner of the STAND Up! Textile Eco-Innovation Challenge, launched by Berytech. The objective of the challenge was to support creators who would come up with innovative solutions to fabric waste.

Aya Jallad, the winner, is the the founder of Odd by AJ and a graduate from ES Mod University. Through her work, she plays with different fabrics and techniques to design high-end upcycled fashion pieces.
